Implement In-app Review in android
Make sure every user reviewed your app.

In this article, we will learn about the In-app review feature in Android what is all about In-app review, what are the benefits of using the In-app review in your android application.
As a Developer we always want the user to provide feedback but there are a lot of people who actually not reviewing our app in play store.
To overcome the problem Google Introduced this feature called In-app review from this feature you can easily prompt the user to review our application at any time Now the user doesn’t need to go to google play store to rate and review our app.
What is In-App Review:
The Google Play In-App Review API lets you prompt users to submit Play Store ratings and reviews without the inconvenience of leaving your app or game
Generally, the in-app review flow can be triggered at any time throughout the user journey of your app. During the flow, the user has the ability to rate your app using the 1 to the 5-star system and to add an optional comment. Once submitted, the review is sent to the Play Store and eventually displayed.
Let’s start with the In-App review implementation, what we need to do first.
Step 1: Add Dependency
Add the Google Play Core Dependency to your android build.gradle
file, like the below code snippet.
implementation ‘’
To integrate in-app reviews in your app, your app must use version 1.8.0 or higher of the Play Core library.
Note: At the time of writing, the latest play core version was 1.8.0 but you can use any latest stable release you want from Play Core Library.
Step 2: Create the ReviewManager
The ReviewManager
is the interface that lets your app start an in-app review flow. Obtain it by creating an instance using the ReviewManagerFactory
ReviewManager manager = ReviewManagerFactory.create(context)
val manager = ReviewManagerFactory.create(context)
Step 3: Request a ReviewInfo object
Follow the guidance about when to request in-app reviews to determine good points in your app’s user flow to prompt the user for a review
ReviewManager manager = ReviewManagerFactory.create(this);
Task<ReviewInfo> request = manager.requestReviewFlow();
request.addOnCompleteListener(task -> {
if (task.isSuccessful()) {
// We can get the ReviewInfo object
ReviewInfo reviewInfo = task.getResult();
} else {
// There was some problem, continue regardless of the result.
val request = manager.requestReviewFlow()
request.addOnCompleteListener { request ->
if (request.isSuccessful) {
// We got the ReviewInfo object
val reviewInfo = request.result
} else {
// There was some problem, continue regardless of the result.
Step 4: Launch the In-app review
Task<Void> flow = manager.launchReviewFlow(activity, reviewInfo);
flow.addOnCompleteListener(task -> {
// The flow has finished. The API does not indicate whether the user
// reviewed or not, or even whether the review dialog was shown. Thus, no
// matter the result, we continue our app flow.
val flow = manager.launchReviewFlow(activity, reviewInfo)
flow.addOnCompleteListener { _ ->
// The flow has finished. The API does not indicate whether the user
// reviewed or not, or even whether the review dialog was shown. Thus, no
// matter the result, we continue our app flow.
Final one How to Test:
Follow the steps in this guide to test your integration of in-app reviews in your app or game.
This article taught you how to Implement an in-App review in your android
I hope this article is helpful. If you think something is missing, have questions, or would like to offer any thoughts or suggestions, go ahead and leave a comment below. I’d appreciate the feedback.